From Brendon: Deep within my heart has resided a vast error. It was hidden so deep that I was unaware of it until recently and at times still not convinced it even exists. The error is my misunderstanding of the Kingdom of Heaven and how I have been responding to it. Let me break this down a bit. I believe the Kingdom of Heaven, or Kingdom of God, has come to Earth. My response to this has been in error. In many ways I felt that because I believed this and am walking in the grace of God and following Jesus with sincerity, it gave me license to live as I chose and do, for the most part, what I wanted and especially with MY money. Never did I feel or view Biblically that I was allowed to enter into gross sin or rebel, but it was much more subtle than that. Much much more subtle. While reading through Matthew the Holy Spirit spoke to me through a parable for a couple of days, and even though my reading has moved on, my mind and heart continue to meditate on this very short story. Here's that parable:
The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matthew 13:44
In one sense my old thinking was correct. God is not asking me to sell ALL I own and live in poverty for the Kingdom of Heaven. However, this was not my error. My error was diminishing the true value and worth of the Kingdom of Heaven. By giving my life an honest look I saw how I valued my possessions, money, time, energy, etc. as having more worth than Jesus. He MUST be seen as worthy, completely and perfectly worthy of all of me. Just as the man who bought the field knew it was of greater worth than all his possessions. This includes my possessions, money, time, energy, etc. Do I see God's kingdom as great treasure? Or do I see it mixed in as another one of my possessions?
I pray that I see what God is offering me, if I would only be willing to give up all of myself, including my very life. All of my stuff and my worth traded for all of God's Kingdom and His worth? Sounds obvious now.